Events Accredited for CME / CPD by EBGH / EACCME

The European Board of Gastroenterology (EBG)

The European Board of Gastroenterology was founded in 1992 as a working party, composed of maximum two delegates per country, one from the Section and one from the national Gastroenterology Society. The two delegates from each country are selected to provide a balance between pure clinicians and academics.

The EBG has the following working sub-committees: the Training and Recognition Committee, the CME and the Manpower Committee. CME assessment is carried out by an EBG-UEGF (United European Gastroenterology Federation) CME Evaluation Committee.

The routine business of the Section and EBG is carried out by an Executive Committee, composed of the President of the Section, the President of the Board, the Secretary General and the Treasurer. The Section and the Board meet twice a year – in the spring and at the annual UEGW meeting.